There is a great deal of debate between people who are cannabis users versus alcohol abuse and which is more detrimental to society.
According to data collected from the 2015 Canadian Tobacco Alcohol and Drugs.
Even though Canada is on the forefront of cannabis legalization, we are still behind when it comes to a provincial cannabis delivery service independent of Canada Post. California's Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) recently.
Everyone knows that women masturbate and the people that say they don't are all lying. Many 420 friendly females have reported that the right strain of cannabis can actually intensify orgasms.
Female Masturbation and Cannabis.
Google Image
Medicinal cannabis has numerous, proven health benefits. However, our cousins south of the border still have draconian laws prohibiting its transportation. In their infinite wisdom the DEA (Drug Enforcement.
Cannabis is set to be legalized next summer 2019 and law abiding Canadians couldn’t be more ecstatic. Regardless of when cannabis will be nationally legalized, there is already a thriving weed culture in Canada..
Top 5 Biggest Lies About Weed Use
There are so many ridiculous falsehoods about marijuana. This article will focus on the top 5 biggest lies about weed use and if there is any legitimacy to.
Is Cannabis Safer than Anti-Depressant Drugs?
Is cannabis safer than anti-depressant drugs? A question asked by many people who are currently on anti-depressants.
I don’t know what the “HELL” is going on these days in our so-called.
The Top 5 Benefits of Cannabis doesn't even scratch the surface of how beneficial this herb is.
Increased Creativity and The Top 5 Benefits of Cannabis
Contrary to popular belief smoking cannabis doesn’t kill your ambition..
The Climate
BC bud the best in the world. It's so damn smoking, likin good maybe that should be the new slogan for Quick Greens. British Columbia has the best climate in and out of Canada for harvesting.
Smoking weed and having sex. Did I mention that these are two of my favorite things and not necessarily in that order? If you were thinking the same thing reader give yourself an edible.